Well this little man made my day on Sunday, that’s for sure. He was only 8 days old but I feel like he had a strong personality already – and he was asleep for my whole visit! His sleep smiles, his beautiful blond hair, and his absolute relaxation in his parents’ arms were beyond adorable. What newborn sleeps like that (I don’t pose newborns – he came to that arms behind his head position 100% on his own!!)?? He has several furry siblings, and one of them (Harley), was happy to be included in the shoot (and he howled a little bit if I didn’t pay enough attention to him – he melted my heart, too). We took all of these photos in a single room, would you have guessed that? When I find perfect light that I love, I stick with it! You don’t need big rooms, big windows, or clutterless living to make a photo shoot work. Let me see the light in different spaces in your home and I guarantee I can find a lovely place for photos!